Clinical Hypnotherapy
Natasha Halias (Adv.Dip.C.Hyp)

Psycho-Hypnotherapy is truly amazing! It covers many issues, emotional and physical The main two categories are Clinical and Spiritual.
The Clinical side of hypnotherapy focuses on your present life. It starts with you telling me what you would like to Quit or Enhance, then with some deep breathing you will be placed in a nice relaxed mood, the conscious mind will relax with various therapeutic visuals and allow the greater part of the mind, the Sub-Conscious mind to come forward and be fully alert. The greater mind is what holds onto negative habits, some call it the “auto pilot” once we have discussed with that part of the mind the changes you wish to happen you will find a tremendous shift and sense of confidence in making your goal happen.
The most important part of a session in order to get the long term results is to regress to when the issue or blockage first started, treat/heal the underlining core issues and change negative behavour to a positive. I will then use the appropriate clearing intervention needed to clear negative feelings associated with it and let it be nothing but a memory without the negative emotional charge or blockage. You will feel amazing and ready to take charge of your life, move forward with confidence and calmness.
Many times clients like to go further and wish to see if they have carried habits, fears and blockages over from a previous life as well, that is where the Spiritual side of hypnotherapy comes in. We are not just flesh, blood and bones, we have a soul. Click on the Tab up the top to read about Past life and after Life if you are interested in getting to know more about your soul, where you were and where you are going next.
A little about me –
My name is Natasha, I am a Holistic Therapist, Registered Advanced Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapist-Psychotherapist, also a very proud Certified Soul Regression Therapy Practitioner. I help people with an endless list of issues, some of the more common issues are STOP smoking, alcohol, anger, gambling, stress, anxiety, depression, fear, phobias, weight issues, pain management, premature death and many more issues. I also see many very successful clients that need a boost like Increasing motivation, confidence, self esteem, healing, happiness focus and gaining better sleep.
My Passion to help people led me to further study and training to qualifying as a Master Hypnotherapist, this thoroughly cover areas like Inner Child Therapy, Age Regression Therapy, Time Line Therapy, Healing Intervention, future Pacing and Life Direction.
As a hypnotherapist, I am always striving to learn more about the amazing subconscious mind and all it holds, which has led me to meet and train with the greatest in my field from all around the country and world including psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss from the Weiss Institute. I have been spiritual from very young but I am also heavily analytical, hence why I couldn't listen to just my heart and beliefs, I had to also satisfy my analytical mind with the science and evidence to back everything up. I now have the tools and the passion to share with everyone, so we can all live life to its fullest, with understanding, freedom, happiness and love!
I have also specialised in Past Life Regression and Life Between lives. My intensive training in this area is also what has given me the advantage in the clinical side of things. This field has been the most amazing journey I have ever been on.
The aim with my clients is to firstly achieve results in what they are seeking, help my clients gain a strong sense of who they are, gain clarity on their purpose, have confidence, motivation, be more positive, have a clearer life direction and an overall feeling of happiness.

Certified Soul Regression Therapy Practitioner.
Advanced Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy.
Personality Integration Psychotherapy (PIP)
Trained by Lorna and John Jackson, The Academy of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy.
Trained by Psychiatrist Dr Brian Weiss, The Weiss Institute.
Trained by Rick Collingwood, The Australian Academy of Hypnosis.
Registered Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist-Psychotherapist.